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Tuko Pamoja:
We Are Together 



Programs designed to give disadvantaged learners a step up are preferred.


Organizations that are actively working
to provide a better standard of living by addressing safety, food, medical care, housing, and equitable support.


Environmental initiatives that focus on bringing people together to determine best practices and mitigate harm.

Our Mission

The KARIS Foundation is a private family philanthropic organization established by Martha and David Moore in December 2009.  Other board members include son Andrew Moore and his wife LeAnna Hunton Moore;  daughter Emily Pierson and her husband William Pierson; and daughter Clara Moore.

KARIS supports 501 (c)(3) organizations whose purposes include at least one of the following: support of educational initiatives, sustainable environmental practices, or programming dedicated to the equitable treatment of others.

The existence of the KARIS Foundation is predicated on the strongly held belief of the family that “to whom much is given, much is expected.”   The family is committed to support designated charities in  meaningful ways both financially and as volunteers.

Meet the Team

Martha & David Moore


LeAnna & Andrew Moore

Board Members

Emily & William Pierson

Board Members


Board Member + Administrator

Supported organizations


Programs designed to give disadvantaged learners a step up are preferred.

As a retired teacher, Martha is acutely aware of the inequities that exist in educational situations and systems.  It is a unified passion of the family to actively support organizations that are endeavoring to educate children and adults, particularly in the areas of literacy, early learning, and real life experiences – organizations that nourish learners and value their potential. 


KARIS supports organizations that are hands on, actively working to provide a better standard of living by addressing safety, food, medical care, housing, and equitable support for those who need it.

Emily, LeAnna and Clara have all been actively involved in volunteering for organizations that work to protect women’s rights, and help women in crisis.  They have marched in Washington DC and written to Congress persons about many issues relating to equitable and safe treatment of women. The family also shares a mutual concern about the increase in dangerous street drugs and how these drugs negatively impact the mentally ill and homeless populations, as well as other addicted individuals.  Food insecurity and affordable housing are related issues that must be addressed in tandem. 


KARIS favors supporting environmental initiatives that focus on bringing people together to determine best practices and mitigate harm.

The Moores are active outdoor enthusiasts.  Time spent in nature and a mutual respect for the wildlife and people who coexist in this world are paramount to the decisions KARIS makes to support sustainable, viable environmental practices.  Clara has spent extensive time in Africa working on wildlife protection, and at the same time educating local farmers about practices to mitigate crop damage caused by animals.  Andrew serves on the board of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, which endeavors to bring all parties to the table to mediate wildlife conflicts and construct solutions to environmental challenges in the American west.  Will has a strong passion for disaster relief, especially in places  directly impacted by global warming.  

Let’s Work Together


Say Hello!

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